Monday, January 3, 2011

New year

I hate making resolutions- they sound so resolute.  They make me feel like I have to pick something bad about myself and then focus solely on fixing it.  I like what Dark Mother Goddess did....She picked a word for the year.  So, I've been tossing a few words around in my head.
Positivity- I could be more positive and optimistic.  I've already been working on it.  I'm trying not to dwell on things, I fixate and depress myself.  But, if I focus on positivity for the year, I'm afraid I'll remind myself to look at every situation with rose colored glasses- and there are times I need to be more realistic.
Health- that sounds good- because I could focus on health of mind and body.  I could use a little more exercise (ankle willing).  I could integrate positive thought. 
Growth- in all things.  I love learning new stuff.  According to Erickson, I'm pretty much stuck somewhere around stage 6.  I could use a little growth.  But not in the abdominal area :)
or Moderation- I get fixated, I go on tangents, I focus on one tiny thing that is bothering me.  I need to moderate my food, drink, and thoughts- to become more healthy, more sane.  I need to moderate what I take in, what I listen to, whose issues I absorb.  (I wish I could stop absorbing everyone else's stress- I think I might need to magically do some protection- and I never considered that before).

I should pick a word, for my mantra- but my mind isn't ready for that right now.  Dark Mother's word is flourish- she's good.

also That Witch it True is having a great challenge for a month of positive thought and body image.

What'd you do for your new year's resolutions?


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