Kesha Halloween costume ideas have been talked about quite a bit lately as many young females will want to dress up as this MTV star. Fortunately, it does not take much to look like Ke$ha as she tends to wear face paint or some type of eye makeup every time she is on stage. This can be emulated quite easily with a quite trip to the local drug store or WalMart or Target. Rather than going out and spending hundreds of dollars on a costume it may be as easy as getting a little bit of extra makeup.
During the VMAs in 2010 Kesha wore a trash bag dress that she claimed to get from Lowe's. A single trash bag probably costs about a quarter and the makeup need to look like this young lady would probably cost around $10. This is a very inexpensive costume in a time when many Americans are spending quite a bit to look like their favorite stars. You probably already have the heels to go with the trash bag dress so all it will take is a little bit of work on your makeup and you should be good to go for Halloween in 2010.
Each and every year a growing number of Americans look to take advantage of the fun times that Halloween brings. Before going out this holiday season remember that it is just one night out of the year and you will not want to spend a great amount of money on something that will likely only last a few hours. With this being the case it might be smart to make a quick trip to the local store to get a few extra items to look just like Kesha and not worry about all the extras that your friends and family will probably spend too much money on.
2010 Halloween costume ideas have been very wide in range. Some people want to go as rappers such as Ludacris or Lil Wayne while others want to go as pop stars such as Katy Perry or Lady Gaga. Another growing trend in 2010 is going as the cast members of Jersey Shore. No matter what costume idea you choose this year make sure to remember that it is all in good fun and try not to take things too seriously. If someone else has the exact same costume idea as you simply play it off and enjoy your night.
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