Friday, February 25, 2011

Alex Pettyfer: psycho, stalker, predator and pyromaniac?

Alex Pettyfer: Psycho, Stalker, Predator and Pyromaniac?


These are photos of Alex Pettyfer at last night’s premiere of Beastly. Alex Pettyfer arrived late to the premiere, but not because he’s a surly douche. Apparently, there was a fire at his house, and he had to wait with the firefighters for a short time, and that’s why he was late.

According to Radar, the fire started in Alex Pettyfer’s detached garage, and while firefighters took care of it, “Pettyfer walked the red carpet, did interviews and introduced the film at the premiere, but left after a short time presumably to deal with the fire.” Now… considering what everyone says about Alex Pettyfer being a “psycho,” could it be that he maybe started this fire? For attention? For sympathy? Just because he wants to watch the world burn? Thoughts?

Anyway, this week the tabloids are full of musings on Alex Pettyfer’s “psycho” behavior. He has a reputation as an actor with a short fuse who “goes ballistic anytime someone says something he doesn’t agree to”. And the stories about his breakup with Dianna Agron keep coming - read this In Touch Weekly with a sinister frame of mind:
In Touch first broke the news that Dianna Agron and Alex Pettyfer ended their year-long romance, but now comes word that Alex Pettyfer showed up on the Glee set - begging Dianna for another chance.
“She wouldn’t see him,” says the insider. “And she told other people, ‘We’re over!’ Alex Pettyfer was always really controlling, and she finally had enough.”
Dianna, 24, was spotted wearing a diamond band on her left ring finger at recent press events. But the insider says, “The relationship is definitely off… and so is the engagement.”
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

So he shows up at her work and begs and demands to see her? Yeah… seems kind of sketchy. In addition to this seemingly innocuous story, Us Weekly’s print edition has further revelations about Alex Pettyfer‘s bad behavior. In addition to Dianna finding Alex Pettyfer to be “psycho,” Us Weekly also notes that Alex Pettyfer “has been losing his sh-t” after the breakup, even going so far as to make threats to Dianna over the phone: “He was on the phone with her and he absolutely lost it, screaming at her.”

Sources also say that while Dianna and Alex Pettyfer were together, Dianna’s personality changed from sweet good-girl to diva. In their relationship, “he calls all of the shots… he made her fire her entire management team for no apparent reason… Dianna was completely Stepford around him… she was under his spell, she was such a doormat and she could end up with him again.” An insider says that Alex Pettyfer had the same effect on his previous ex, Emma Roberts.

Meanwhile, Us Weekly also reports that during production of Beastly, Alex Pettyfer was trying to seduce Vanessa Hudgens off-camera, and she wasn’t into it. A source says: “She wasn’t interested, but he continued to pursue her. It got so bad that Vanessa couldn’t talk to him anymore. She hated him!” Vanessa wore this Julien Macdonald dress with a long train - I don’t really care for it, and it’s too tight in the bust. Also: isn’t it interesting that they didn’t pose together on the red carpet?

see more  Alex Pettyfer pics next page...




Photos courtesy of WENN


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