Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is Brad Pitt moving his family to Manhattan?

Is Brad Pitt moving his family to Manhattan?


These are new photos of Brad Pitt at LAX yesterday. Still wearing a hat, which seems to be hiding his longer hair. Is Brad growing his hair out? Unknown. Anyway, Fame Pictures is trying to make a big thing about how Brad is probably flying to France to oversee even more renovations to the chateau. I don’t know if that’s really where he’s headed, though.

Meanwhile, OK! Magazine claims that Brad and Angelina are planning a move to New York, just in time for Jennifer Aniston’s move to New York. OK! is creating controversy because they think Brangelina will move uptown, while Aniston will move downtown, and “the city isn’t big enough for all of them.” It’s not all Bermuda Triangle stuff though - apparently, Brad and Angelina have finally decided to get married. Yeah, yawn:
It looks like Brad Pitt and Angelina may finally have wedding bells ringing in the near future - along with a new house in Manhattan to call their own!
A friend of the couple tells OK!: “Angelina has always love city living, and Brad wants to make her happy. So they looking to purchase a townhouse instead of an apartment. Right now, they want something with about 10 bedrooms. That’s two extra bedrooms compared to their last NYC apartment. They’re trying to find something that can accommodate everyone and toying with the idea of buying two townhouses and turning them into one big house - that way, they have more than enough room to extend their family.” Which, according to sources, is something they will do when they finally get married.
The friend also says: “New York is filled with good memories for them, really romantic ones. They loved their times at the Waldorf, and Angelina loves the antique shops and bookstores. They also love taking the kids to museums and Central Park.”
[From OK! Magazine, print edition]
Yeah, it’s crap. But if it’s true, then good for them, I guess. Good luck trying to wrangle six kids in the city.
One last thing - OK! Magazine has a side story that I find much more interesting. It’s all about how Brad is getting back into shape after developing something of a gut last year. According to sources, while Angelina was directing in Budapest, Brad was working out like crazy at a private gym. Lots of running and weight machines, etc. He has been looking thinner lately.

more 2 pics next page...


Photos courtesy of Fame.


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