Friday, March 11, 2011

Kate Winslet Says We Think She’s A Fat Viking

Kate Winslet Says We Think She’s A Fat Viking

Kate Winslet? A “fat viking”?! PLEASE.

She’s one of the most beautiful women in the business. The thought of calling her a fat anything has never crossed my mind. But Kate believes that the general public perceives her to be a “fat viking.”
“It seems to me I look very different from how people expect me to be.
Clearly they think I’m a great big fat Viking. My body is different through nothing other than my being older. My clothes fit me the same way they’ve fitted me for the last five, six years. And of course I was a lot more voluptuous then.”
She also added to British Vogue,
“I felt I had to defend my body and took a very public stand, which I still absolutely believe in. But I’ve stopped talking about it now. And, at a certain point, it does become hypocritical.”
And Kate talked about getting older,
“I’m more aware of things like wrinkles on my face. They’re becoming much more pronounced, because that’s the muscle I use the most when acting. But it’s my face. So, whatever.”
It PAINS me to hear that someone as gorgeous as Kate feels judged in the public eye for her curves.

Photos by Fame.


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